Wonders of my life

For halvandet år siden var Ann og jeg til middag hos nogen venner. Her var mit sang-skriveri en ret ny ting. En af vennerne spurgte – måske mest for sjov – har du skrevet en sang til Ann?

Det havde jeg ikke. Det var faktisk ikke faldet mig ind som en mulighed. Til gengæld satte spørgsmålet min hjerne på arbejde i tiden derefter. Uden at jeg havde sat mig for, at skrive en sang til Ann, så pressede den sig bare på af sig selv. Sådan gik det til at Ann i 2017 bl.a. fik en sang i fødselsdagsgave.

Min sanglærer spurgte mig hvad titlen var på sangen, og valget faldt på “Wonders of my life”.
Teksten er som følger:

I got a wonderful girl
she’s the greatest gift to the world
and when I see a smile on her face
she takes me to a better place

To tell you the truth, she’s not mine
I cannot claim to own the divine
I can only hold her hand
And hope that she stays with this poor man

I got a beautiful girl
she shines a light that warms the earth
her radiance is over the top
I could watch her glow non-stop

To tell you the truth she’s not mine
I cannot claim to own the divine
I can only hold her hand
And hope that she stays with this poor man

After the glow, her feet are cold
she gets tired and feel so old
I want to be that bright little spark
that starts the fire in her heart

You’re totally right, I’m not yours
you can’t constrain my love through force
you can only hold my hand
then I’ll probably stay with you my man

But she gave me a gift which forever is mine
she gave birth to a child
these little angels in need of my love
they do so many things that I am proud of

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